Friday, August 26, 2005

day dreams

on the news last night.
"day dreaming may be harmful to the brain"!
thank you big brother!!!!!!!
lets eliminate imagination!!!!!!!
keep um in check!!!!!!!
go to work, breed, without question!!!!!
watch out my friends!
watch out

sowing the seed of life

this is mine (for today)

If the decision process is still on going here is a bit which can put me on either side.
Here's a thought I just had while working on my house, lets see if I can verbalize it.
Our concept of god, all consciousness, always knows what we do,
Our current view on physics, there is no now, past or future. True, odd but that’s where they’ve come to.
The big bang, our concept of the beginning of time.
Brian’s thought.
God or whatever the heck it was contained all consciousness that we experience (all of us in all time) it was the creator of consciousness as we know it, but this was its consciousness. Something went awry whether it is death or something we can’t imagine and BANG! all of its consciousness was released and we have the beginning of time, but time is only consciousness from something else so it doesn't exist in the now, and because of its form, the past or future either, so here we are a drift thinking that something is watching over us yet that something is exactly what we are, so in effect we are alone in its consciousness and it isn't going to save the world. So now we are the creators or re-creators and here we go again, remember what I said about heaven and hell? so how does it feel to be nothing but the figment of something’s imagination, and it isn't even here anymore, it also give credit to the collective consciousness, it you think about it almost explains all the metaphors for religions and life, now for the even more interesting part, there is a molecule in you and me which is the door to all things, it even gives credit to Gandhi don't kill that fly! So are you also looking for that molecule in you called creation?

Exploration. The folly of civilized man in my mind is that recognizing self has become recognizing self importance.