Sunday, January 17, 2010


it was the human period

for far to long

oppurtunity knocks once

if you miss it

its gone.

Fear for our future

the earth quakes the seas rise the wind blows and blows and blows sweet subtle messages of what is not far behind. i have my i phone i have my contacts i have my leather i have my babies i have my needs to meet in the face of the wind in the face of the quakes in the face of the seas i can meet all this as i sleep soundlyplease just make sure you don't turn off the heat.and theni heard someone say, there's nothing i can do.

sleep enclosure

in the warmth
of time.

Got Male? (airport security scans)

.....Memory exists, although we have learned the power to dissolve it. i believe it should be, "time, eternal time, exists eternally, all things always, too see in time i must disolve the illusion of space." Brian Morrison, timeless wanderer.