Monday, November 22, 2010

My Dog

My Dog Fin

Think Tank - The Riddle

Imagine if you will, time and space may be seen from perspectives we don't yet understand. ourselves witness this as in sleep. The vehicle needed to transcend the reality of human emotional liabilities is the mind, not the science as seen through objects. imagine if you will everything the mind has to offer, imagine humankind as a think tank, transcending boundary's into unknowns, into the wave of the universe.
The riddle.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Brian Morrison Art

Brian Morrison Art
the natural course of evolution, if we are to succed, in evolving, is one where emotion does not exist. true.

Brian Morrison Art

Art of the Americas Wing MFA Boston

The new wing at the museum of fine arts in Boston has elevated the museum to "World Class". Its beautiful.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Relatively generic

Brian Morrison Art
life form
life from
line form into content
life form

Rock of Ages

Lonely is the night

When you find yourself alone.

Friday, November 05, 2010


the god subject:
Does god have hair? then who cuts it, what makes it grow? does "god" need to shampoo?
If god has hair does god poop? if so is there a shower? if so god must eat? eat what?
does god have legs? if so for what purpose? is there a floor? whats the floor made from?
etc. etc.
without god the excuse for war, hate, killing, rape, etc. etc. would not exist.
without a excuse, a reason for these things it would mean humans are simple ignorant animals.
thank god for god.

Monday, July 26, 2010

soldiers returning

A soldier returns home
where they say they have a new plan,
different from the old plan,
this plan should work,
the other plan really wasn't a plan,

the trouble with this is;

Monday, July 19, 2010

Gulf Oil Leak

Lets get real, now the headlines today read, Investors worry about troubling test results from the seabed. This means the investors worries override the health of our oceans, the health of our fish and shores. NO FEAR, the no fear generation forgot about the moral dilemmas of no fear, When there was a "fear of God" keeping our morals in check, though flawed in its conception, the fear worked to stabilize societies. now, the fear must be seen as without fear we destabilize society on a whole, we must always have fear of a system which unchecked leads to the ruin of society which leads to the ruin of the ecosystem which leads to failed a civilization.
The headlines and side stories often read how to make yourself healthier, how to extend life expectancy. Perhaps we can start by limiting the population, using renewable energy sources, stopping the polluting through pesticides, herbicides, lawn and garden fertilizers, gas and oil consumption, and by putting and end to the daily mass consumption of open space be it a new england farm or a south american rain forest. For this we must feel fear again, fear of ourselves and what we do when we have no fear or care for tomorrow.

Busy Life

So busy with life, the swimming pools the leather seats
So busy with life the hatred, the gun battles
So busy with life, the drugs the games
artificial intelligence, the definition of.

stripped naked
i am only human.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Human Race

Somewhere between here and there lies endless possibilities.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Supreme Court Judge

You be the judge, she certainly looks American enough for me.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Time to bring our Men and Women Home

Its time to bring our Men and Women home
the plan isn't
the battle is for not
our time is over
the battle's been fought

please see the senselessness of our struggles
the lost fortunes through fight
the lost dreams of so many so many men and women
who got caught up in this fight
left with the impact of lives never to be again
the same as they were before this nightmare began

please see the fruitless painful end
this overseas conflict does bring
to each and every one of us in this
this Nation built on dreams and hope.


Wednesday, June 23, 2010


General McChrystal thought he had a plan,
turns out shooting and killing half the population of a foreign country
well, that doesn't work
it seems we've been played
for money,
costly lives, and limbs, and minds.
seems war doesn't work so well
when everything is fake, except, the lives and hearts of brave young, and old, people. faith was in the hands of the powerful, faith has been lost.
the word has become sickening.


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Afganastan War Strategy

Its a smoke and mirror show
Bin laden has been dead for years
The Taliban plays war to keep us engaged
and take are money and men
The war is a fraud and the ones in charge know
which makes it so hard when what their expected to show
enthusiasm for war for murder for revenge
Our young men keep dying along with their fathers
their mothers and daughters too
how long will this charade continue
they say there's a plan
Its not one Ive heard, no words strong and clear
just there is a plan, the plan must be met,
well what is this thinking
this wars to corrupt
if your son is fighting, if your son were there
you might feel like me, don't think I don't care.

I'm tired of lies.

Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Art Images

On a lighter note:
Art and its evolution, Today many say to include the computer in the art creation process dilutes the end result. The end result is computers are here to stay and are every bit as individual and creative as the brush itself.

Wednesday, June 02, 2010

mankinds legacy

Will we be remembered for who and what we are? or for only the shadow of what we could have been?
Do dreams get forgotten?
Will consciousness adrift try to place that which it feels only
having lost its form for life?

Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day

To all the fine Men and Women who are serving and or have served in the name of Democracy, freedom and The United States of America, we salute you.
Thank you,
Brian Morrison

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Art Today

The beauty of art beholding to none

Sunday, May 23, 2010

World News

what will be there in the end
i was hoping for something
like a lolly pop to a kid

what will be there waiting for me
I hope its something like peace
indeed i hope perhaps like a bike
when i was a kid on my birthday

yea, thats right.

wow I hope this sitting in pews
makes all the difference
cause really I haven't a clue

oh up in the heavens where nothing exists
something is waiting for me
or so I pray on days like sunday
or at a big meal when feelings run deep

that up there i'll go and then I'll commit
to a life in eternity
with my body but no shit.

and then of course i say
well in that at least there's hope
2nd person -
oh really you dope?
take a look around.


Friday, May 21, 2010

Nut Shell

the meat of the nut
is actually the seed
the plant from the seed
is seperate indeed
at least its life
that we can believe.

Monday, May 17, 2010


Ivy league curators are supposed to know the public main stream consciousness in picking art, with content for the masses to enjoy and imagine. I don't think their capable because they don't relate to purpose outside their small circle.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Gulf Oil Leak

It was now I began to understand the word finite
it was the beginning of the end
there not so far away through the bubble
not so far as to be out of reach
it was here I could see the horizon at the ends of my finger
it was here i could taste the smell in the soil
I thought once it was so large so vast so inconsummate
until it all became consumed.

Sunday, May 09, 2010

Over Weight Crisis

I'll have another Big Mac and a diet coke please.
Table for two?

Saturday, May 08, 2010

I turned a leaf and oh what a surprise

not a moment to soon I opened my eyes
good thing i could see it coming
better than not knowing
out go the lights
i feel so much
so much better now
see oil


for any of those who want to know, degrease-rs are one of the if not "the" main source of fresh water pollution as plumes spread slowly underground, the toxic plume laying ruin to all water it reaches. Now, reports are out that a degreasing agent may be used in mass quantity to help alleviate the environmental problems created by the huge oil spill in the gulf. The powers that be say they are not sure of the environmental consequences if this agent is used. Not sure? do I need to say more?

It didn't stop

It was now I began to understand the word finite
it was the beginning of the end
there not so far away through the bubble
not so far as to be out of reach
it was here I could see the horizon at the ends of my finger
it was here i could taste the smell in the soil
I thought once it was so large so vast so inconsummate
until it all became consumed.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Government or People

Is The United States of America run by the people or the Government? I think we all know the answer, but the original intention was for the people to run the Government. It seems once the Government became large and powerful enough to become the "multi layered dictator" it is, the people and their need, wants and desires became irrelevant.
There has become very little time for imagination, and far to much time hunting and gathering money. time for a new cycle of progression I think, how about you?

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Health Care

The new health Care bill will work to the benefit of the majority in America if, and only if, The Government pays the health providers directly. If the Government pays the insurance companies who in turn pay the providers well then I'm afraid what has happened is with mandatory insurance requirements and government payments the Insurance companies have hit the jack pot. We need to be assured our government sets up as a competitor to the Insurance industry, without competition, the insurance companies will be issued a license to steal. and by the way, the insurance companies are AS big as our government right now, lets not let them make the law.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Global Warming

This time a visual on the subject, for global warming does not mean we will live in a tropical atmosphere, it means the weather patterns we are so used to take on significant changes which may, possibly effect the quality of life for all, adversely.

Monday, March 08, 2010

beastie boys, my lyrics

down down held in space till the thing went facest gonna ring till i drop till me and the threds become slick and the bellies become ground,,, till i see ya singin till i see yoa till i see the last place i been was sinngingin sounds inside my headd...l. till one dauy i woke and found my self inside a noose,m till one dayu the smmell made since cant find a cat to fat to sneak aroud till one day

now come on
she did
i didnt'
till i cought a scent

bnow i swears i was dreaming till the steam cept steamin

then one day if foundf her sitten still
till i coughed in her draqwers

till i caughed in her drawerss




now come around till dawm \\ woke me up
now i see whats UPPPPPPP!!!


f aaa a kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

Brian Morrison

Global Warming

The issue of global warming has taken a "human" twist. I seems we will act to compensate for the warming only if "we" are the cause. ? The cause at this point is irrelevant, the problem exists, now the issue should be, what do we need to do so the events don't dramatically effect the human race in a profound negative way.

Thursday, March 04, 2010


Any questions on any subject, ask, I'll see if I can answer.

so we start this new concept for my blog here, today's question followed by the answer.

Mr. Artist: quick questions what is the total count of Taliban (soldiers) holding the USA hostage? Second question how much money have we spent trying to catch and destroy them? Third how much money did the USSR spend before they went broke and disbanded their empire?


First and foremost it is supposed to be Al-Qaeda were are fighting, not the Taliban, internal problems are supposed to be just that, if the Taliban want women to be inferior then its up to the Women of the Nation to stand up (example one) or it is up to the peoples to stand up for education and schools (example two) etc.
2nd, we spent much more trying to "liberate" Iraq then we've spent against Al-Qaeda, another waste. The question should be "what are our goals and do they benefit our freedoms without infringing upon the freedoms of others. That is supposed to be the catch all of democracy I believe. With that said the answers are none, we are holding ourselves hostage. next, so much money has been spent that the world economy is crippled and hemorrhaging, (game over we lost). and third, more than they had in their treasury, and more than the mothers of the dead could bare.

Brian Morrison

Wednesday, February 03, 2010

President Barack Obama

So it comes to this, President Barack Obama makes the statement something like this, We may be better served if instead of gambling in Las Vegas, those same people saved their money for their children's higher education (college) tuition. This statement caused an up-roar? people seem to think that's bad for business, gambling business I suppose? are we that ignorant, our President is chastised for stating the hard truth about money, investment and choices.
Another debacle from our "minds" leading the industry of law and business, is the freeing from inquiry, let alone justice, a man in Massachusetts who funneled over 1 billion dollars to the Bernie Madoff investment group, the genius judge stated there was not enough evidence presented to prove his guilt. 1 billion dollars invested by the "intelligent" man, and there is not enough proof? what do we need here better bullshit rhetoric than the other side to create enough proof? my god what has happened to our spineless society and its law for money attitude.
One word defines the economic problems not in just our county but the world today, War. Why don't the powers that be explain the answer as that, is it because the cold reality is no matter what happens in the future, the reality is War has brought this county to its knees, are we to keep going until our head is face down in the mud? - See the history of President Bush and his business failures, see the cost of the war vs the debt we are holding.



Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Obama Health Care Bill

The issue should change its name from "Health Care Bill" to the Insurance Company Profit Bill. Let me make this easy for anyone reading this to understand. Insurance Companies make as much money from your wages as Uncle Sam does in Taxes from your wages. Insurance Companies don't pay for military spending, health care for uninsured, highways, disasters, education subsidies ETC. This fact alone should make it easy to see the system is broken, i say since the insurance industry can't police itself, we as a nation should take away the private legal stealing of our wages by the insurance companies and make it totally federal, including one flat tax which covers health home car and all the other BS reasons to charge and charge and charge again for what amounts to basically same coverages triple billed, i.e. see comp insurance liability insurance, health insurance on there own and then also on auto and home policies. One more time, The insurance industry makes as much off your wage as the government does taxing your wage. BROKEN!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

buried under a sea of people

Buried under a seething screaming groaning under the weight of human mass lies the earth, part of ourselves, part of our dreams, our life. time to implement population control before the sea becomes a stagnant pool of death.

Sunday, January 17, 2010


it was the human period

for far to long

oppurtunity knocks once

if you miss it

its gone.

Fear for our future

the earth quakes the seas rise the wind blows and blows and blows sweet subtle messages of what is not far behind. i have my i phone i have my contacts i have my leather i have my babies i have my needs to meet in the face of the wind in the face of the quakes in the face of the seas i can meet all this as i sleep soundlyplease just make sure you don't turn off the heat.and theni heard someone say, there's nothing i can do.

sleep enclosure

in the warmth
of time.

Got Male? (airport security scans)

.....Memory exists, although we have learned the power to dissolve it. i believe it should be, "time, eternal time, exists eternally, all things always, too see in time i must disolve the illusion of space." Brian Morrison, timeless wanderer.