Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Obama Health Care Bill

The issue should change its name from "Health Care Bill" to the Insurance Company Profit Bill. Let me make this easy for anyone reading this to understand. Insurance Companies make as much money from your wages as Uncle Sam does in Taxes from your wages. Insurance Companies don't pay for military spending, health care for uninsured, highways, disasters, education subsidies ETC. This fact alone should make it easy to see the system is broken, i say since the insurance industry can't police itself, we as a nation should take away the private legal stealing of our wages by the insurance companies and make it totally federal, including one flat tax which covers health home car and all the other BS reasons to charge and charge and charge again for what amounts to basically same coverages triple billed, i.e. see comp insurance liability insurance, health insurance on there own and then also on auto and home policies. One more time, The insurance industry makes as much off your wage as the government does taxing your wage. BROKEN!