Sunday, August 28, 2005

My many sides

It was either this or a dish full of apples.

Friday, August 26, 2005

day dreams

on the news last night.
"day dreaming may be harmful to the brain"!
thank you big brother!!!!!!!
lets eliminate imagination!!!!!!!
keep um in check!!!!!!!
go to work, breed, without question!!!!!
watch out my friends!
watch out

sowing the seed of life

this is mine (for today)

If the decision process is still on going here is a bit which can put me on either side.
Here's a thought I just had while working on my house, lets see if I can verbalize it.
Our concept of god, all consciousness, always knows what we do,
Our current view on physics, there is no now, past or future. True, odd but that’s where they’ve come to.
The big bang, our concept of the beginning of time.
Brian’s thought.
God or whatever the heck it was contained all consciousness that we experience (all of us in all time) it was the creator of consciousness as we know it, but this was its consciousness. Something went awry whether it is death or something we can’t imagine and BANG! all of its consciousness was released and we have the beginning of time, but time is only consciousness from something else so it doesn't exist in the now, and because of its form, the past or future either, so here we are a drift thinking that something is watching over us yet that something is exactly what we are, so in effect we are alone in its consciousness and it isn't going to save the world. So now we are the creators or re-creators and here we go again, remember what I said about heaven and hell? so how does it feel to be nothing but the figment of something’s imagination, and it isn't even here anymore, it also give credit to the collective consciousness, it you think about it almost explains all the metaphors for religions and life, now for the even more interesting part, there is a molecule in you and me which is the door to all things, it even gives credit to Gandhi don't kill that fly! So are you also looking for that molecule in you called creation?

Exploration. The folly of civilized man in my mind is that recognizing self has become recognizing self importance.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

the big bang of consciousness

The answer to what is heaven or hell.
Our lives are spent creating, each moment each act of consciousness is a creation, ever lasting in eternity. To live our lives with compassion, caring, love, respect, free from judging and divisive acts becoming pieces of the universe, this is heaven eternal, the fabric of life beyond our awareness'. If we can all understand this the concept of our actions, words and deeds being that which we are, in wave upon wave for all eternity, then for each of us how we live and act may take on a new meaning, for heaven and hell are real. When meaning beyond the abstract is found, to see that we are the creators and what we create is forever, then this understanding becomes a meaning which may change the world, for who you are in each moment is timeless and eternal. end.


In us all, that molecule called life
where seperation is only concept
of our mind which resists
how am i not just part
but the ocean as whole
when at the same time my being
seems to live with its own soul
when you understand something
not just passing of words
that we have always been swimming
in this constant of stars
and your mind and your body
are just shells in the game
part of the puzzle, if we new how insane?
its all in one instant one molecule one time
where all things exist which seem
to originate from your mind
its not in the mud, its not in the stars
but inide of me, and you and the ocean
this crytal ball, unlocks all mystery
take a look no tools are needed
no microscope or telescope
just you in yourself, peering deep
into life with everything else.

Friday, August 12, 2005

There's nothing simple

There's nothing simple about the matter
nothing easy or natural
that I can do
with matters that I hope and dream
and dream because I can't
always have
what I want
when I want it

I think.

So I dream instead so when
I wake at least I'll know
some of my life
is spent
easy and natural and how
I want
Oh nothings easy
so I dream, hoping that its real

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Trying to get by

Trying to get by

I bought a new briefcase

in hopes they'd see me differently

Trying to get by

I bought new clothes

In hopes they'd see me differently

Trying to get by

I changed my tune

In hopes they'd see me differently

Trying to get by

I acted like them

in hopes they'd see me differently

Trying to get by

I changed myself

so they can see who I am.


Monday, August 08, 2005

art philosophy poetry

art philosophy poetry

Dragon lair (life)

The dragons lair

Alone I sit in the Dragon's Lair, alone

I sit yet still I'm scared,

Alone by myself, hoping for God,

This nest dark cave without a window

This mind this soul

In front of the mirror

To ignorant

To simple

To much truth to the matter

If you me and all

Somehow turn out to be

This God this thing

We hoped had our responsibility

Then all acts and reason are ours all alone

Where’s the comfort in knowing

Everything we do is something we own.


What if?

What If?

What if we could dream forever, eternity? What if we could see those dreams and realize self for eternity? What if the opportunity called life is one in which for this fleeting moment we can awaken from our dream to see forever? What if mankind is so full of vices and self promotion at the expense of others with all energy going to outside stimulations and distractions that we miss the simplicity of eternity?
We are caught in instant gratification and ego, Western civilizations have put an end to the cultures which believed in the path above, in the name of power money and god, of course weapons of death helped to promote their cause. Now we have a world where the meaning of life becomes how much money can be made or how it is made. Our soul is satisfied by money.
But what if money can't buy eternity, you can't see your soul by listening to others, by reading about it, by being told, at some point if you want to see what you are you must look at yourself.
Brian eternity

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Breaking these chains

Everything is part of one single moment in one single time in one single molecule in someones single mind.
It is time to wake up