Hi, we can talk about the levies and this and that but the problem is much deeper than the physical effect of power and greed, humanity, like the levies is on the verge of breaking, like governments inaction and blindness, what are we doing, daily, in every moment, for when we talk only amongst ourselves we might as well be talking to a wall. sorry.
it starts with forgetting everything you have been taught about god and faith. for in god and faith comes the excuse of actions being out of our control, in fact destiny becomes that of a source created by man for the purpose of control and to absolve sins simply by saying sorry. the only people running the course of our destiny is we ourselves, so long as people believe otherwise we are doomed. I am truly sorry if you want to believe that something else will give you eternal peace and look over us all in case of disaster, which oddly enough we call act of god, and I know how alone we will be without the comfort of that image, but it must go in order for us to move forward in evolution. you asked.
i didn't think you would, because of peoples fear of change, and fear of being nothing more than they are. If you think a new president is going to fix our problems than your only looking at your own. It is time for humanity to take another leap, in its history and evolution. If you think that comes about without major changes in how we see, then you are not ready, and not alone. this is soon beyond the time for band aids, so if your content with what you believe and nothing more my question to you is how long ago did you stop asking yourself to question all that you think you know? 20 years ago? in reality? better levies quicker responses more social services war only when necessary more jobs better jobs fuel efficient cars, do you really think that is what will be advancing mankind?
now if today you say, I'm going to get by with looking into my pretty flowers today and that will make it alright, for me, well that's o.k. most of the people are doing the same, it is to see that emotion has nothing to do with happiness or state of being, you think dark painting is dark emotion or dark point of view, you see I don't let the notion of dark create a bias from what happens naturally, In discussing mankind's problems I am no less happy or sad then when looking at a picture of a pretty flower, emotion does not enter into the equation of life, for me, I guess you can call me spock. but until emotion is not judged for it fuels religions, bias, hate, love, god, etc. but is only a piece of being not the being itself, until then we stay put, look how we all do something to make us happy, what is happy? just an emotion, which, fundamentally has nothing to do with life, and neither does death, or pain or orgasm or a good sale day. they are what they are and should be viewed as nothing more than that, it is not the trigger, or the response, it is the witness to life in the cycle itself.
No change = No change